
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

English script [finished- please print]

November 17 2010

Josie: We’re Josephine,

Jacqueline: Jacqueline

Kitty: Kitty

Kaitlyn: Kaitlyn, and we are presenting the topic, Concentration Camps by doing skits.

-Get into positions for skit I-

Narrator A: During 1933 Adolf Hitler just gain dictatorship over Germany -looks back at the skit-

Political opposition: YOU'LL NEVER GET AWAY WITH THIS!! YOU BETTER LET GO OF ME!! –trashing-

Solider: -holds tighter- Shh...!!

Hitler: Ahem, I'm sorry but you are my political opponent, thus you must be re-educated in the Dachau concentration camp we've recently constructed.

-Hitler now leaves-

Solider: -cough- Ahem I am a part of the SS branch of the military and it just happens that I am the Kapo of that camp… I will be in charge of shipping you off to that camp. You shall work hard in the labour camp.

Political opposition: -grunts- -snickers- hah, and then get on of your good for nothing ss guards to guard me are you?

-- Freeze then bow and get into position for skit II--

-Board meeting-

Narrator A: 2 years later when all the political opponents were captured, another plan was devised...

Hitler: The Jewish people are corrupting our world.

Solider 1: What will we do with them?

Hitler: I am proposing the “final solution to the Jewish question” plan.
We shall send them to the concentration camps where they will also be re-educated.

Solider 2: What if they can not be re-educated?

Hitler: Then they shall die at one of the death camps..... - opens up map-


Narrator A: In reality, the Jewish did not get re-educated in these camps, but rather most of them died if not from the death camps, then they died from illnesses or the hard work in labour camps. The amount of camps expanded as the time went by with the first camp being built in 1933 and the last incomplete one in 1945

Narrator B: At the end of World War II there were over 20,000 camps created across Europe. The most famous one would be Auschwitz which consists of the three main camps: Concentration Camp, Death Camps, and Labour camps and also many sub camps such as prisoner of war camps and transit camps. Most famous death camps were located in Poland, which is where Buchenwald was also located.

Narrator C: Buchenwald which is located here -points to the map- also had massive amounts of death within it. But this camp is significant for one of the prisoner leaders who was also a prisoner himself, Antonin Kalina saved 13 hundred children' lives by making up false records.

-puts down map and get into position for Skit III-

Narrator A: The first camp, Dachau was only supposed to hold 5,000 people, but in the end it held more than 30,000 people. And now we are going to look at the Jews who are being sent to concentration camps. -Looks back at the skit-

Child: -tugs on mothers sleeves- M…mommy… where are we going? Where is Daddy? How long will we have to stay in this stinky train…?

Mother: - sigh – oh dear, We’ve been here for two weeks, and let us hope we’ll never get to the camp… Daddy is gon… -sob- -cough cough-

- gets off train and get ready for Skit III part A-

Narrator B: These pair of mother and child stayed on the train for another week before they reached their camp destination where the Commander there performs the process of selection, choosing where to go where.- looks back again-

-mother should be coughing-

Kapo: I am the commander here at this camp. …- glances at mother and child who got off the train- Take the sick mother to the death camp, and let her be a part of the crematory. The child still looks like she can be of use.... bring her to the labour camp. Get her to work at the quarries.    

-Mother gets pulled away from child-

Child: MOMMY!! ….

Mother: -cough- I am sorry, Martha.  Good bye –cries-

-          Freeze-

-get ready for skit IV-

Narrator ?:  Martha’s mother died at the death camp. Crematoria was basically when people were stacked into a large hill, and gas gets poured over them then later they would get lighted to create a massive human bonfire.

Narrator ??: Meanwhile Martha who got taken to the labour camp faced problems of her own…. – looks back at skit—

Solider: WAKE UP! It’s four! Time for the count…..

- children walks into the room -

Solider: …. Anne –looks up and nods-…. Hanna – looks up and nod-…… Martha- looks up and nod-….

Martha: (whispers) what are we doing?

-Girl beside her looks scared-

Solider: YOU! Why are you talking? You must be disciplined

-Martha gets beaten up-

-Freesze, then quickly get ready for “lunch scene” -

Narrator A: After Martha was beaten and made to skip breakfast, she was forced to work until lunch time

Lunch lady: Heres a cup of water, and a slice of bread.

Martha: But the water is completely dark….

Lunch lady: well then you don’t have to drink it.

Martha: But…

Solider: Time to march back to work area. Lets go! NOW!

-          Martha leaves the hall with group of people-

-Get ready for Skit V-

Narrator ?: After lunch, Martha continues her labour to create new parts of the camp for another six hours until it’s dinner, where she got served a very watery soup and a thin slice of stale bread. She ate quickly this time and not complaining. Then she retires to the old bricks barracks for slumber….

Martha: -cries- I .. I miss my mommy….

Anne: Hi, I am Anne. It’s going to be okay. You’ll be able to see your mom… if you follow the rules around here..

-gets into Martha’s bed ( wooden planks)-

Martha: Really? … umm what are you doing?....

Anne: Oh, yes around here, we have to share beds between two to three people. There aren’t enough wood planks to go around.

-get ready for skit VI-

Narrator ?: Martha goes through her daily routine for over a year. Each day waking up at four and working for 12 hours.  A year passed, and she grew ill.

Commander: - Looks at Martha- You have become of no use… you shall be shipped to the death camp by tomorrow, and have her go through the gas chambers.

Martha: -gasp- cough cough.

Doctor: No… Kapo, I think she’ll be no use to die in those gas chambers. Let her be one of my specimen.

Narrator A: Martha then was transferred into the doctors lab, where she witnessed countless of specimen such as herself getting injected with mysterious liquids. Others being dunked in freezing water for three hours. The fingers were purple and some fell off by the time these people were drawn back out. None of them survived.

Narrator B: In the lab, Martha got chosen to test new theories in the twins studies. She got pregnant. She died before giving birth because everyone around her were dying. It was too depressing for a pregnant lady. Also she was also fairly ill herself already..

Narrator C: Though the local population who knows about these camps, due to the spies that Hitler implanted among the locals. There weren't much they can do. Some braver ones did try to hide the Jews in their basements, but a lot of them got captured along with the Jews.

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