
Saturday, September 17, 2011

Bio Lab ATTN: JINA AND CHRISTINA. please edit in comment box. I'll add it to the master.

A person who does a series of physical activities will exhale more carbon dioxide compared to when they do limited physical activities.

  • Bromothymol blue
  • Water
  • Sodium hydroxide solution
  •  Plastic straw
  •  Stirring stick
  •  Beaker
  •  White paper
  •  Erlenmeyer flask
  • 1 small Beaker  and 1 large beaker

1.         Fill large beaker with 200ml of water.
2.         Add 20 drops of bromothymol blue to water.
3.         Stir the solution.
4.         Pour 75ml of the solution into the small beaker as the control.
5.         Pour 75ml of the solution into the Erlenmeyer flask.
6.         The relaxed person, who has not yet done a series of physical activity yet,blows with a plastic straw into the Erlenmeyer flask with solution for 10 seconds.
7.         Take sodium hydroxide and drop it into the CO2 solution. Mix between every one drop until the orginal colour of the control is achieved. Record the number of drops. 

8.         The same person will run for 2 minutes and repeat step 6-7

9.        Another two to three people will repeat steps 6-8.
10.      Go through steps 1-9  for a second trial.

Trial 1.
Drops of NaOH added to solution before running.
Drops of  NaOH added to solution after running.

Trial 2.
Drops of NaOH added to solution before running.
Drops of  NaOH added to solution after running.

OVERALL AVERAGE before running: 4.25 drops

OVERALL AVERAGE after running: 7.25 drops

            The average amount of COexhaled by a normal relaxed person is equivalent to 4.25 drops of NaOH. 
            The average amount of COexhaled by a physically engaged person is equivalent to 7.25 drops of NaOH.

            An average person who is engaged in physical activity will exhale more carbon dioxide in comparison to an average person who is not physically engaged. There is an average difference of three NaOH drops between the initial results before running and final results after running.
            Possible errors on the experiment include: some people may perform more physical activities that increases the exhalation of CO2, thus the amount of CO2 may vary within each person. For example, some people who play an instrument may have bigger lung capacity which allows them to exhale more CO2.  Also, the control group was in a different type of container compared to the other tested variables thus variations of the colour may occur creating possible incorrect data to follow. 
            Future experiments may include how much O2 a typical physical active person may inhale compared to a not physical active person. Also further studies could be done upon how temperature may effect the amount of CO2 a typical human can exhale. 


  1. Hello,

    I am not sure if I have clarified myself during class today but I shall here:

    All modifications you may want to make upon the lab please copy and paste it to perhaps a word document ( if the correction or addition is huge) or the comment box below (or where ever it is) and do all the corrections you would like to make then click the post comment button. I will not make any comments regarding the lab on the actual post I will also use this comment post as a way to communicate with you guys.

    This copy of the lab will be printed out as of 11:30 pm on September 20th if no further corrections are notified or made.

    If you have any questions about anything just email me at josephine.y.f@hotmail or you can text me at 778 241 0283.

    thanks see you guys in class! (:

  2. OH AND ALSO when posting I know you guys don't have a blogger i dont think so just select in the comment as box "Name/ URL" and just fill out the name box! thanks (:

    -a series of physical activitie(s)
    -how about we put "...will *exhale* more carbon dioxide"
    And I'm not sure about the last part, but it doesn't really make sense to me.
    -"...compared to a person with no physical activity done"(?)


    -6. The relax(ed) person, who has not (yet) done any physical activity, blows with a plastic straw into the solution in the Erlenmeyer flask for 10 seconds.
    -8. repeat steps 6-7
    -10. second trial

    -trial 1 and trial 2 (spelling)
    -could we perhaps switch "runners" to "participant"? because we didn't have you guys run at first. and it sounds more professional(?) I don't know lol.

    -"...normal relax(ed) person..."
    -" a physical(ly) engaged..."

    -Before an physical activity was engaged, the amount of NaOH needed to change back to its original colour was 3 drops less when compared to after being engaged in a physical activty(THIS part is really confusing me, )

    -Possible errors on the experiment include: some people may perform more physical activities that increases the exhalation of CO2, thus the amount of CO2 may vary within each person.

    -For example, some people who play an instrument may have bigger lung capacity which allows them to exhale more CO2.

  4. p.s. the hypothesis 3rd point

    -...compared to a person who does limited physical activities

  5. p.s.s the very last paragraph

    -physcial(ly) active
