
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

For Bio// Tapeworms ATTN: MICHAEL!

July 20th, 2011

The functions of each part: ( you do not need to put this on the slide if you do not want to i will go through them all orally anyways.)

PROGLOTTIDS: It contains hundreds of eggs and they are on all body segments starting from the neck and on. 
BODY SEGMENT: It can break off and become the feces of the host. Due to the proglottids on the back of the segments it is a way of how tapeworm find other hosts. Body segments grow back as long as the head or scolex and neck is still attached.

THE SUCKER AND HOOKS ON THE SCOLEX: It is the point of attachment for the tapeworms. The suckers help hold on to the host's tissues and the hooks allow a better grip when moving in the host's tissues. It can also penetrate intestine walls. 

-NOTE- I did this in a hurry with the math mid terms in mind....... if it's ugly dont complain! LOL but if there is anything you want me to add let me know. 


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