
Thursday, January 20, 2011

Psychology Chapter 8 Test outline

Blk A. Neff.

Be sure you understand the following in detail:

Classical Conditioning : UCS, UCR, CS, and CR as well as  EXTINCTION and GENERALIZATION.  It's a good idea to know what Discrimination is too.

What you would do if you want your child to do their homework? ( What reinforcers you would use? why?)


Know who created observant learning -> Albert Bandura.
What was Pavlov's experiment?
And what kind if learning did B.F. Skinner created?

What is the Law of Effect?
What is Partial Scheduling?

And defiantly understand the difference between punishment and negative reinforcement/ (you can obtain this information in the textbook.)

Of course there are other things i may not remember from the test. Just remember the three main topic of this unit : Classical Conditioning, Observation Learning and Operant Conditioning

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